I have a chance to buy a Gemeinhardt Model 3SB (conservatory line) for a fraction of the price new...and it is in excellent shape, although I have not seen it yet. The seller claims it is in excellent shape. I have an appointment with the seller to look at it and play it on Monday - I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience with this flute? I am not professional by any means, but I do play with the local Symphony Orchestra. I need a good reliable flute that responds well and has a great tone - but I do not have much money to spend on it. Any feedback would be appreciated.
FLUTE QUESTION - Have you ever played a Gemeinhardt Model 3SB?opera mini
You can do MUCH better - at any price - in today's flute world and market that a Gemmie. Please google for Jen Cluff's website - there is a wealth of info there to help you. And please go to Yahoo Groups and join FLUTENET - there are over 3,000 of us professional flutists, teacher, and all other levels of flutists there, to help you. But no not lose a minute's sleep is you PASS on this flute - there are zillions of them out there - you can get one for a couple of hundred bucks, any day in the week. Just check eBay for a few days - you'll see. And they are there because the best flutists and teacher are buying OTHER flutes. Jupiter/DiMedici, Azumi, Avanti, Brio, Yamaha, Pearl, Trevor James - they are all miles ahead of Gemeinhardt. Yes, there WAS A TIME when Gemmies were better - but not now, and unless you are an EXPERT in those serial numbers and company ownership - just pass on this flute. Good luck with the orchestra job!
FLUTE QUESTION - Have you ever played a Gemeinhardt Model 3SB?passions soap opera opera theater
I'm not sure of the model number, but I know that the US Army bands use Gemeinhardt flutes. My daughter played in Army bands all over the world in her 6 years in the army and a gemeinhardt was issued to her when she joined. She said she loved that flute, and bought one just like it when she was discharged. She is still using it.
I called her and she said that if you can get it for under $900 it;s a great price.
Don't buy Gemeinhardt. They used to produce excellent instruments, but I believe the patent was bought out by a parent company and the quality has gone down the tubes, so to speak. For what you are looking for, I would recommend a Yamaha or a Pearl. I have found exceedingly great deals on new ones from wwbw.com (woodwind/brasswind) or you can check Flutenet.com for some excellent used flutes. Good luck and happy hunting! Take it from me, don't buy a flute when you've only tried one. Try a bunch if you can and then make a decision. I hated my Gemeinhardt 3SB and I upgraded to a Powell only to find I didn't get the greatest pro model for the price I paid. But I didn't try other pro models, so I didn't know any better. Sorry for the long-winded answer.
i have a 3SB and i love it to death! the only problem that i have experienced was with the headjoint. gemeinhardt headjoints suck. if you want to get a gemeinhardt flute, don't get the headjoint. opt for a pearl forza headjoint. i have one and i play in a 90 piece concert band. people can hear me in the audience over the trombones, and the tone and response is amazing.
i have a Gemienhardt open hole, silver headjoint flute. I am very pleased with it. Though i do not know the model. Mine was a bit over 1,000 though so......
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