Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do you deal with someone who has decided he or she is your enemy?

People who tell stories or lies to hurt you or your reputation, or to make someone else want to fight you, or have you expelled or arrested? All ages welcome: I've experienced this from time to time since puberty, and at 58 still find it hard to deal with. Most recent was a jealous co-worker at a symphony orchestra who falsely accused me of harassment. Nothing to do -- she happened to be a "minority" and out I went. But it's happened in school, in bars, even in AA as well as in workplaces as varied as Dominos Pizza to the top of the fashion business in Paris. I have fought some of the worst where the cause seemed worthwhile for myself or another in court -- but win or lose it's so time, money, and eventually even soul consuming. Any practical suggestions?

How do you deal with someone who has decided he or she is your enemy?the grand theater

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

I try to live by that one, but when I apply it to my ex-husband of 13 years, who is still trying the stuff you talk about, well, it makes it repulsive to say the least. But yeah, stuff like that has happened to me, too, since I was a teenager, and I still haven't figured it out either. I've had friends tell me it is because they are jealous of me and want what I have or to control me. I've also had other friends tell me that there is something in that negative person that is still within me, that I need to work out for myself, and then the problem will go away. I think it is a bit of both.

How do you deal with someone who has decided he or she is your enemy?soap opera opera theater

i would use her actions to make her into an unstable person and tell every one whom we both know how sorry I am for her.
i ignore them.

lol! believe me I am ver good at ignoring annoying people and undesirables :)
Well, the girl above me wants to rip off my face... just as she said. Shoot... I should let her have it, huh? I'd be a martyr for the sake of sparing society the sight of her ugly mug. Well, if she can't have my face, I guess she'll just have to settle for having my avatar. Whomp, whomp....

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